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Specify email recipients?#12


We would like to have a form that collects anonymouse access User Feedback on individual Help pages in a published space in Confluence for Atlassian Cloud.

In legacy Confluence Server, I was pretty sure there was a Forms macro that allowed you to specify who would receive email feedback by entering email addresses. We have many different products and the feedback should be sent to the people responsible for each product, who in many cases are not Administrators or Users on the system.

Is such a thing possible? If not, we would probably have to look at another forms app for Confluence Cloud.


2 years ago

Also, different product owners change over time, and it should be simple to go into an individual form and change recipient emails after it is created.

2 years ago

Hey Stephen, thanks for your message and providing us with your feedback, we really appreciate it!

The two features you’ve mentioned (anonymous response input & notifications for filled in forms) are both in the roadmap for development and we are looking forward to providing more info on this in the near future. We’ve noticed a trend in users requiring email notifications so this is being actively investigated and we plan to address this soon.

We’re moving away from the model of only allowing administrators to create forms and are working on a large update at the moment related to permissions. Part of this work is the addition of functionality to include collaborators on any forms you create. This sounds like it could suit your use case nicely (although it’s important to note that collaborators do need to be Confluence users).

We’re always interested in speaking to our customers so if you have any other questions or would like to have a quick call to discuss your requirements please let me know and I’d be happy to setup a call.

Tom (Product Manager, Forms for Confluence @ Kolekti)

2 years ago